Sunday, April 18, 2010


Now, seriously folks!  I have an important question to ask you all...If you've read any of my posts about Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure (BFC) you may have had a similar question....You look in your pantry for something to eat and all you've got is onions and baked beans.  So what do you make with those two items?  OK, well since you asked, I'll tell you:  Tear Gas.   :-)    OK, if you ask any of my kids they'll tell you that I'm just not all that funny. But you can't fault me for trying!  Follow-up note...I had to just edit this post because my wife just saw this poor excuse for a joke and said it was REALLY bad and I should remove it.  What do you all think?  Anyway,
That's my total weight loss since mid January.  I'm sure that now my weight loss will be much slower going forward than it's been so far.   If that's what happening to you...don't be discouraged if your weight isn't coming off that fast.  If you follow the diet, then it WILL come off.  One thing I do need to mention is that on this diet, Jorge Cruise said there's the 15-6  S/C value.  That's no more than 15 grams of sugar a day.  Someone reading an earlier post had a good comment.  She said that it's important to make sure that IF you do use the 15 grams, don't eat something with all 15 grams of sugar all at one time because it can cause havoc with your blood sugar level. 

<------But you can have a French toast breakfast like this:--------->
Now it won't look quite like this because the French toast in the picture above is made with that disgusting, awful (yuk) white processed bread flour, but you can take a fairly low-carb, high fiber bread like Ezekiel 4:9, dip it in a mixture of eggs, almond milk, and a bit of cinnamon and you've got some decent French toast! Add a few links of sausage (or turkey sausage), a Jay Robb protein drink (with some Benefiber), and a cup of coffee.  The two slices of bread have a total of 30 carbs. All that and it's only one of your 6 allowed servings of carbs!!  That's also quite a bit of fiber to start your day!

If none of this dieting stuff sounds like something you wanna do then a guy named Frank Verano had another type of diet he said won't fail.  He said "A great way for to lose weight is to eat naked in front of a mirror. Restaurants will almost always throw you out before you can eat too much."   And this particular home after you've been thrown out will also be conducive to losing weight.  :-)


 <---------This is me after 3 months
OK, so I lied.  Truth to be told,  I hate seeing guys that look like that anyway.  But one thing I really don't do which I should is exercise.  I've never been big on exercise (no pun intended).   But while I don't do much to keep in shape--other than using the remote-- I can give some suggestions.  Now most of those "Seen on TV" infomercials are probably wastes of $$$.   But one of those types of products which does appear to be worth the money is an inexpensive product called the Bender Ball Mini Ab Ball.  I would never have even considered one of these but there's a great review of this on  You can see a review from on for this product here.

I wanted to give one more idea for either a breakfast item or to satisfy a sweet tooth for a snack.  Jorge Cruise does say that yogurt is FULL of sugar but he does recommend Fage Greek style yogurt because the sugar content is much lower than most yogurts. He has a recipe for a parfait using this yogurt.  You can use about 1/2 cup of  the Fage (I buy the 0%) which has 4-1/2 gm sugar, 4-1/2 gm of carbs, and 10 gm of protein.  I'll mix in about a packet of Truvia sweetener to sweeten up the yogurt (I don't like plain unsweetened yogurt).  I'll start with a couple of tablespoons of yogurt on the bottom of the glass, top with a teaspoon or two of Nature's Hollow preserves, and layer it until the 1/2 cup yogurt is gone. These Nature's Hollow preserves are incredible.  1  tablespoon equals 7 gm of carbs.  I'll top off the parfait with a tad bit of Uncle Sam's Cereal which gives a bit of crunch.  The result is incredible and it's a total of about 25 grams of carbs or 1 carb serving...though it is a bit high on the sugar (4.5 gm).

I had to one more follow-up item before I forget.  Our Whole Foods store has Zevia six packs on sale for $2.00 off their regular price. I believe that around here the sale goes on until 4/27/10.  Twice we went in looking for my favorite ginger root beer and they were out.  A couple of the employees said they can hardly keep the shelves stocked with that soda so evidently word is spreading on this incredible zero calorie all naturally sweetened soda.

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