Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dieting Mishmosh

What's a mishmosh?  Well, I had to look it up to make sure I was right.... Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 says, " A hodgepodge or hotchpotch; a confused jumble."  Confused?  Me?

Well, this is an assortment of stuff, and I gotta make sure I don't make it as long as the last post. Not one single comment!  Probably because no one got that far in reading everything.

For those who may be new to this blog, I got swindled, I mean talked into (by my brothers) joining the flock of Jorge Cruise's followers of the Belly Fat Cure. The guy's book has been on the NY Times best sellers list for about 14 weeks.  I was skeptical, but folks, I'm down 37 big pounds since mid-January, without any suffering at all!  Oh, BTW, that is NOT me on the left!!!  All my excess weight was equally distributed throughout my upper torso! Either way, my lovely teen daughter told me months ago that I was fat, disgusting and should go on a diet.  Her twin brother told me I looked pregnant. Then the doctor said I might be in early stages of diabetes.  How many more friggin' clues did I need?

Anyways, in a very short Reader's Digest condensed version (yikes...I wonder how many younger ones even know what THAT is!!!),  Jorge Cruise's plan is to use his 15/6  S/V plan.  That's  no more than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs per day.  SERVING of carbs?  If you can find anything below 5 grams, it's free.  Then 5-20 grams is one serving and each 20 grams after that is one serving.  You should have 120 grams of carbs a day.  There's a hitch to this. Replace the "belly bad" foods with "belly good" carbs.  That means LOTS of whole grains, lots of fiber.  And as someone mentioned to me earlier on, do NOT eat all the 15 grams of sugar in one sitting. She said it creates havoc with the blood sugar levels.


"Oh Heavens to Betsy," (I have no idea who Betsy is),  you say! "I can't leave my Wonder bread and delicious biscuits smothered in sausage and gravy..."  Well, WebMD (good site if you get a chance to look) says this about refined foods like white bread, "When you eat refined foods like white bread, it triggers a series of events, starting with elevated blood sugar levels followed by an increased insulin response, which can cause fat to be deposited more readily."  Now this is what you'll look like if you eat too much of the refined foods---->
High fiber foods take longer to digest and therefore keep you from being hungry for longer periods of time.

Now here's my favorite line of sodas - Zevia!

Zevia is made with all natural sweetener from the stevia plant.  I learned about this stuff from Jorge Cruise and I got hooked on it.  I was buying it from Whole Foods for $5.99/six pack, but came across it at our local Kroger grocery store, on sale for $4.99/six pack.  And only YESTERDAY, I was at our local health food store called Good Foods and they not only carried flavors which Whole Foods doesn't carry, but they also sell it a buck cheaper than Whole Foods.   My favorite flavors:  Ginger root beer, Black Cherry, and Twist.  The others are really good as well, but those first three are tops in my book.    I haven't gotten it yet, but if you head out to Zevia's web site you can sign up for some store coupons.  If you think I'm lying about how good this stuff is, an individual named Ray, who has been watching my blog, sent me this note:  still down 34 (pounds)? Love Zevia soda!  I  kid you NOT...actual true life unsolicited email to me!   Only thing wrong with his note is that I'm not down 34 pounds, I'm down 37 pounds!

Well, unfortunately, I just don't do as much exercise as I should. OK, the truth,  my exercise is opening the door and walking outside with the dog, letting him go down the steps, do his thing, and come back.  Heck, even that's dangerous work.  Twice I slipped walking out the door to the deck and tore my Achille's tendon which needed surgery, twice.  There goes working on the Wii Fit for a while!!

Ever wonder about the Bowflex?  Expensive equipment, alright!  I went out looking for reviews to see if these were any good.  I found a great review at  It's a bit old but still valid.  If I was looking for one I would look for Bowflex at  Lately I am buying almost everything over there!

Back to Belly Fat!!
What  guy doesn't want 6 pack abs? By the way, for those budding medical students you probably realize that the abs are called rectus abdominis.  Well I don't to look like the picture on the left below this and the picture further down..  You women may think it's incredible sexy.  Well I don't think it's so sexy and, hey, I'm 55 and gray. Realistically, who have I got to impress anymore? The cute 30 year olds look and me staring at them and think, "omg, what a dirty old man."  It could be worse...At least I'm not like Roman Polanski (look him up if you don't know what I'm talking about!)

Which would you rather have????
OK, Honestly?  I don't want either ONE!  According to WebMD, there's good news and bad news.  BAD NEWS FIRST!!!  There is no magic bullet, diet plan, specific food, or type of exercise that specifically targets belly fat. ugh!!!!   NOW THE GOOD NEWS!!!!  "belly fat is the first kind of fat you tend to lose when you lose weight," says Michael Jensen, MD, a Mayo Clinic endocrinology specialist and obesity researcher.  hot-diggity-dog...oh yeah...none of the hot dogs like I had today.  Of course there was no carbs, I used Nature's Hollow bbq sauce, and ate it on a whole grain tortilla with 12 grams of fiber.  Bad part is the hot dogs had about 135 grams of saturated fat.  I kid you, yes (about the amount of grams in the hot dogs)!

No Clean jokes for kids today....In fact no dirty jokes for the adults either.  You'll just have to wait.  But then this is supposed to be a family friendly site...

Jiminy Cricket: As I said to Pinocchio, "Pinoc, there are two ways to do anything - the right way and the wrong way. If you wanna be right, do things the right way, because if you do things the wrong way, that's the foolish way, and only fools do things the foolish way, which is the wrong way. Right?" Anyway, let me see? Where was I?


  1. Another great post. For girls, belly fat and boobs deflate before thighs and arm jelly. lol.

  2. Dave, your posts are getting more and more entertaining every day. Where do you find the time? Where are you finding your pictures to use? Great choices.

    Big Bro, down another 1.5 lbs. bye the way
